Proposal Changelog

This page lists all changes made to this proposal compared to the previous version and the date they happened

Revisions Process

Every-time a change is made to this proposal, either following feedback from other players, balance re-adjustments or new ideas to improve the proposal, a new release or revision will be created and the changes compared to the previous version will be listed here

This is to keep track of changes in the proposal over time and avoid confusion when people re-read the proposal after changes have been made

Note that very minor changes (such as corrections, addition of images...) will probably not warrant the creation of a new release on their own, instead, they will be introduced in the latest release and increment it's patch version


This proposal uses the semantic versioning system, while that system was developed for the software world, it can easily be applied here:

Each version will follow the X.Y.Z format, also known as Major.Minor.Patch.

  • Major changes such as the entire rework of a core mechanic will increase the Major number

  • Medium and minor changes such as the rework of secondary mechanics or addition of secondary mechanics will increase the Minor number

  • Corrections and addition of minor details (such as images to illustrate an idea) will increase the Patch number

Note that only one number may be incremented each update, if minor corrections are made on top of major changes, only Major will be incremented


The dates prefixing each version changelog only indicate the date of the release, while work on a version's draft may have started days earlier

30/08/2019 - Version 1.1.0

Last updated